Recent Baby & Postpartum Purchases

Happy Thursday, friends! We are in the home stretch and it’s that point of pregnancy that every little thing you think to yourself, is this is!? I’m really happy that majority of the baby stuff needed, big items like loungers, car seats, strollers, etc – we are able to reuse from Sophia. That’s the added benefit of getting everything in gender neutral colors the first time around! But, little man is needs his own stuff too so I mentioned in my Amazon post that I had a lot of baby purchases and a few purchases for myself as well! Here’s a few things that I’ve purchased for his arrival.

Brush & Comb || We used this set for Sophia in pink and its just a simple little comb, but really great if the baby ends up cradle cap. Sophia still loves to use this on her dolls!

Baby Nail Trimmer || Again, another purchase that we used for Sophia, but got a new one. Clipping baby nails can be a truly traumatic experience and I’m always so afraid to cut them too short. This takes the guess work out of the trimming and doesn’t hurt them either.

Burp Cloths || You can never have enough burp cloths and these are the best! Soft, absorbent and nearly 900 5 star reviews – seriously amazing!

Baby Memory Book || It’s not always easy keeping up with baby books, but these are super easy to get through. Again, I used the same one for Sophia and it goes with them all the way through 5th grade!

Cotton Jersey Sheets || These are the softest sheets for really anyone, but also incredibly soft for a baby. With nearly 6,000 5 star reviews, a three pack is the perfect starter pack for crib sheets. I’m hoping this time around to do more crib naps to start rather than wearing the baby for the first 3 months – LOL!

Nursing Pads || Such a glamorous purchase – ha! Needed and really used ALL day/night long. I got a 200 pack and I’m always amazed at how fast these go.

Portable Sound Machine || You learn pretty quickly that newborns love white noise! I used this with Sophia, practically had it attached to my wrist whenever I was carrying her. We used our first one so much we had to get a second one!

Knitted Sweater Romper || How darling is this little romper!? I ordered the 3-6 months so that he could wear it for the holidays! I can’t even deal with how cute little boy clothes are.

Monthly Milestone Stickers || Really hope that I can keep up with all the monthly milestones for baby #2! These are always so cute to photograph! Keeping with the baby animal theme that he will have for his nursery!

Nursing Hoodie || I made it 9 months without really purchasing any new maternity clothes and now that it’s almost over, I’m excited to buy clothes again that I want to wear! I am trying to find all the fall nursing friendly tops and scooped up this cozy hoodie. Definitely wont mind being comfortable at home too!

Side Table || I dont know why it took so long to find a cute and functional side table for his room, but alas I finally ordered one and it has an adorable removable basket as well. This will be perfect for the long run too because we can use this in different parts of the house when it no longer fits his space. The way it was styled on the website was for a nursery so that sealed the deal.

Ice Slippers || Towards the end of pregnancy the more that I’m on my feet, the more they swell and especially because it’s been so hot recently. Thankfully they aren’t as bad as they were with Sophia, but we still have a few weeks so there’s time – HA! You have to wear these with socks or else your feet will freeze. Also, its not just for pregnancy – helps with any type of foot pain.

Nipple Balm || I wish this was something that I didn’t snooze on buying the first time around, but I’m prepared and it’s actually in my hospital bag as well. You can get 10% off your purchase on anything Tubby Todd with my link.

Hope you are having a great week!


  1. September 9, 2021 / 6:48 am

    We have the same hair brush and nail trim kit- both are awesome! Cannot believe he will be here so soon!

  2. Rachel
    September 9, 2021 / 9:25 am

    I just can’t believe it’s baby month!!! So excited to meet the little man!!! XOXO, R

  3. Tess Bohenko
    September 9, 2021 / 12:47 pm

    That knitted romper is sooooo adorable! Can’t wait for baby boy to get here ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. September 9, 2021 / 2:43 pm

    Those burb cloths are the best (and I even tried some of the expensive ones and these were way better). Now you’re transporting me back to the days of 24/7 spitup haha ๐Ÿ˜‰

  5. September 9, 2021 / 2:46 pm

    Little boy will be here so soon! Exciting!

    Le Stylo Rouge

  6. September 9, 2021 / 4:29 pm

    That knit onesie is so cute. My sister loved that shush machine.

  7. September 11, 2021 / 6:20 am

    Oh my gosh, I canโ€™t believe that baby will be here soon! So excited for you guys. Howโ€™s Sophia feeling all about it? I bet sheโ€™s so ready to be a big sister. These are a great list of items for baby. The nail trimmer kit and burp clothes are so important and how cute is that little onesie. So adorable!

    Maureen |