Baby Products I’m Loving – Second Time Around

Happy Monday & happy November friends! The obligatory – I can’t believe it’s already November statement…how?! I honestly feel like since 2020, time has been going by at warped speed! So much so, that Mason has managed to turn one month old already! My sweet little handsome gentleman is just delicious and I am cherishing every single moment, so much more this time around. I think with Sophia I was so nervous about every little cry – really everything and while I am still nervous for things, I feel more confident in my momming abilities, so I am able to enjoy it a little more. I shared our first time favorites with Sophia – post here – and I wanted to do the same with Mason that are new to us and I have been loving.

Elvie Pump

I am so grateful that my friend gifted me her unused Elvie Pump. I am pretty sure you can get these through insurance now, but they are quite expensive. I have regular pumps and let me tell you, not having to be plugged into to the wall is amazing. I usually pump once a day just to start building up my freezer stash and it is so easy. Can’t say enough great things about the ability to be hands free. Once I do go back to work in February, knowing that I can pump on my way commute to and from work without having to take time out of my day is pretty brilliant. It is also so quiet – I sometimes wear it while putting Sophia to sleep and she has no idea – not like the hospital grade pumps I was using. The only downside is that the suction is not that strong.

Babysense Dual Monitor

I talked about this dual baby monitor in my amazon post last week, but it has really been a great monitor for us. We used the Arlo baby monitor with Sophia for 3 years, but they actually discontinued their cameras and you had to be on WIFI, plus use either your phone or iPad as a screen. It is so nice not having to do that. We don’t use the sound option because it turns off after 30 minutes and I like to have it on all night. There is also a built in nightlight on the camera as well.

MamaRoo Swing

When we told our previous neighbors that we were expecting, they told us they had a brand new MamaRoo swing that they just wanted to get rid of to get space back #cityliving! We happily took it off their hands because I had this on my wishlist for Sophia and never got it and now Mason get’s to experience it! I pop him in to get dinner started, extend his awake / play time and I get a solid 10-15 minutes of him enjoying the movement. I do not let him sleep in it, but he could totally drift off if I let him! 10/10 love all the functionality (different movements and sounds) plus the mobile at the top has the black and white side for when they are newborns and then as babies start to see color you can flip them over! Bonus, Sophia loves to juggle with the little baubles!

BabyBjorn Bouncer

We didn’t get the Bjorn bouncer until Sophia was just over 2.5 months old and I wish we had it when she was a newborn because this is a godsend product! The ability to just move the baby with your foot while you are sitting or making dinner is just amazing! I do let Mason catnap in the bouncer only because he is so cozy and more upright so his neck doesn’t flop like it would in a swing. I am debating getting the toy bar, but we will see!

The Play Gym by Lovevery

Play gyms are fantastic, but ones that can grow with baby are even better. This play gym is Montessori inspired for play, learning and focus. Mason has been on this every single day and loves the black and white cards that come with the it. Rattles, noise makers & teethers this is such a fantastic addition for baby. We also have their Play Kits. I have to admit, it is tough knowing exactly what to do to stimulate newborns up to 3 months and these kits take the guessing game out of it! These would be amazing gifts for a baby shower or new parents!

We have been really lucky in terms of being able to reuse a lot of the products we had with Sophia, but it has been nice to have a few new to us gadgets with Mason! Wishing you a wonderful week ahead!


  1. November 1, 2021 / 7:01 am

    We adore our Loveevery mat and play kits! They have been the best thing for Eliza! And Mason is just adorable!

  2. Andrea Nine
    November 1, 2021 / 7:19 am

    I do wish there would’ve been a MamaRoo swing when the kids were little. Mason is so sweet!!

  3. November 1, 2021 / 11:50 am

    I’m thinking of getting the BabyBjorn for the second kid someday because the Boppy is recalled now and I need somewhere for baby to lounge! I’ve heard great reviews

  4. November 1, 2021 / 12:44 pm

    I heard that pump is amazing. Mason looks so adorable.

  5. November 2, 2021 / 7:28 am

    I hear you. I don’t know why and how it is November but I am definitely having a hard time accepting that it is. My heart is still on Halloween! Mason is the cutest! The baby monitor and play gym was one of our most used items when my son was little. The rocker I think would have been a nice addition but we didn’t get one until much later.

    Maureen |

  6. November 2, 2021 / 8:04 am

    Mason looks so cozy in the bouncer. I bet everything is more streamlined with the second, you know quicker what is working and what isn’t.

  7. November 2, 2021 / 11:59 am

    Baby gear makes me want another baby 😉 I’m so bummed that I never got the Elvie – it sounds like such a game changer!

  8. November 2, 2021 / 4:22 pm

    He is so cute! it’s great you are finding new things that work for your son. I ended up just reusing everything we had for our first, we kept all the stuff that worked well for us and it worked well the second time too! 🙂

    Hope that your week is going well 🙂

  9. November 9, 2021 / 9:44 pm

    Glad the Elvie came in handy!