May Through the Camera Roll

Happy Friday, friends!! I certainly love short work weeks, especially when they also include great weather weekends ahead. I am hoping we can make another trip to the beach and even the pool if possible, but that may be too ambitious. I love having these full wrap up posts to look back on the whole month. This month was the start to summer and we really packed it all in.

We started the month with a beautiful trip to the Public Garden! Everything was starting to bloom and you could tell we were in for a treat with how the city was coming alive again.

I finally announced that we were expecting baby number two, a boy this September. Which when you consider we’re now in June doesn’t feel too far off!!

Celebrated Mother’s Day with my family and we had a ton of time outside! We visited all the parks that were part of our daily routine with Sophia over the last 2.5 years and made sure to eat at all our favorite restaurants.

Then the time came mid-month to move into our new house! It was really wild to think about the size of our condo and how much time we spent in there, especially during the pandemic to moving into a full fledged house with so many rooms to choose from! Our tradition for moves is to order pizza the first night and that’s exactly what we did!

We had our first beach weekend and are starting to cross off the beach list I made earlier to visit this year!

Since we first saw our house in the winter, it’s fun to see what’s blooming in our yard now! I also love that we have a deck to enjoy throughout the day. This is the deck furniture that we purchased is sold out on Amazon, but here are two similar options.

It was a very rainy end to our month, but that didn’t stop us from having our first get together with a small group of friends for Memorial Day. I haven’t seen my girlfriends since March 2020, so this was a very happy day for us! Plus I got to hold my best friends’ baby for the first time who is going to be turning one this month if that tells you how long it’s been!!

We capped out the month with a little trip to a bowling alley! I honestly couldn’t believe how excited Sophia was about seeing all the lights, listening to the music & actually bowling. We have candlepin bowling up here, which is so new to me growing up in the South, but it’s so much easier for little kids to play!

I am so excited for the Summer and have a post coming up next week with our Summer Bucket list! Hopefully sharing more updates as we complete / finish decorating the rooms in our house.


  1. Andrea Nine
    June 4, 2021 / 6:13 am

    What a great month. Bowling looked so fun and Sophia’s grin says it all. Have a beautiful weekend!

  2. June 4, 2021 / 8:51 am

    You guys have had a really exciting month! September is going to be here before you know it.

  3. June 4, 2021 / 9:59 am

    Girl, y’all have had the most exciting month!! That is just awesome that you got to see your girlfriends! I just saw mine for the first time since March 2020, too! So crazy that it’s been a whole year. I’m so grateful things are finally starting to get back to normal.

  4. June 4, 2021 / 12:33 pm

    I was wondering why the bowling balls were so tiny. How cool is that? I have never heard of that. Looks like a fun May. We still haven’t been to the beach for a beach day and I am dying to go.

  5. June 4, 2021 / 1:19 pm

    You guys definitely had a fun and exciting month – can’t wait to continue to see how the house comes together!


  6. June 4, 2021 / 2:04 pm

    So exciting to see your new house & getting to experience all the new seasons.
    What kind of bowling ball is that? That’s my speed of ball!!! LOL

  7. June 4, 2021 / 8:59 pm

    Girl, go big or go home and you guys did during May!!!

  8. June 5, 2021 / 3:59 pm

    What a view from your deck! Our house also butts up to woods. So thankful for that in a subdivision! We need to get more comfy deck furniture. Will have to check out your links. Looks like you had such great weather in Boston in May. Still can’t believe your little guy is due in September! That’s so soon!